Coronavirus: 4,609 officially confirmed COVID-19 cases reported in Tajikistan as of June 8, 2020

Coronavirus: 4,609 officially confirmed COVID-19 cases reported in Tajikistan as of June 8, 2020
2,763 COVID-19 patients (+90 people) have reportedly recovered as of the evening of June 8, 2020.  
No coronavirus-linked deaths were reported on June 8, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population (MoHSPP),  
The number of COVID-19-related deaths reportedly remains the same in Tajikistan — 48.  

Meanwhile, GBAO regional TV station Badakhshon yesterday showed a meeting of the governor of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), Mr. Yodgor Faizov, with senior representatives of relevant regional agencies.

Speaking at a meeting, GBAO governor noted on June 8 that 1,506 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the region.  1,132 patients (78 percent) have recovered.  22 coronavirus-linked deaths (1.5 percent) have been reported in GBAO.  GBAO governor noted that those who died were older people having chronic diseases.      

Recall, the Republican Commission for Prevention of Further Spread of COVID-19 made a decision at its regular sitting that took place on June 6 that bazaars, cafes, beauty salons, hairdressing saloons, barber’s shops, hotels, trade centers, public caterings and resort centers will resume operations in Tajikistan starting on June 15.  

All the mentioned facilities must ensure regular disinfection of premises and control observance of social distancing rules by visitors. 

Besides, fines will be imposed on persons going out in public without face masks and not observing the social distancing rules.  Amendments on this subject have already made to the country’s administrative code. 

Although quarantine has not been officially declared in Tajikistan, the Republican Commission for Preventing Further Spread of COVID-19 in Tajikistan has decided that face masks are mandatory for people in Tajikistan who go out in public during the coronavirus pandemic.

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