About the project

Independent information agency «HAMSINF» is established aimed to observe constitutional human rights of Republic of Tajikistan citizens and people over the world to secure freedom of speech, express their opinion regarding authorities’ activity, state institutions, officials, opposition movements, important vital problems and so on. Internet site of information agency www.hamsinf.com is the platform to discuss urgent problems, inform about vital events and implementation of perspective ideas. Daily on the site urgent news are published in the field of politics, economy, security, religion, culture, migration and also video, photo and promo information. All materials are prepared based on data submitted by our resources in Tajikistan and in the world. Materials are justified by documental facts. Every visitor of www.hamsinf.com site could find something interesting for himself, as there is a lot of catching information on information arrays. This site was established to avoid the issue regarding lack of information and site satisfies the needs of population to be aware about everything that happens in the world. One more factor making site www.hamsinf.com unique one and differs it from other sites is its being transparent. There is special column on the site «mobile reporter», where everyone could attempt himself to be journalist, to prepare any information, produce video and put it on the site www.hamsinf.com. For definite fee you could also submit articles or any information for publication and they will be published on the site. Except articles or materials contradicting morality norms, or containing any insult, as information agency «HAMSINF» values its good image.