Militants Blow Up Oil Pipeline in Southeastern Yemen - Source

Militants Blow Up Oil Pipeline in Southeastern Yemen - Source
CAIRO (Sputnik) - Unidentified militants blew up an oil pipeline in the Shabwah Governorate in southeastern Yemen, a source in the provincial administration said on Tuesday.
"Militants blew up an oil pipeline near the town of Ar Rawdah in the Shabwah Governorate's southeast, which stretches from the S2 oil sector in the town of Aqla to the Iyaz sector in the Jardan District north of [the town of] Ataq and from it to the area of An Na`imah, which is adjacent to an oil port on the coast of the Arabian Sea," the source said.
The source added that local security forces were taking steps to find the militants who had organized the explosion of the pipeline.Yemen, a small nation in the south of the Arabian peninsula, has been engulfed in an armed conflict between the government forces, led by President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi, and the rebel Houthi movement for several years now. A Saudi-led coalition has been carrying out airstrikes against the Houthis at Hadi's request since March 2015. The conflict has resulted in a massive humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country.
In December, for the first time in several years, the parties to the conflict in Yemen met at the negotiating table, which was organized under UN auspices in Stockholm. They managed to reach a number of important agreements, in particular, to implement a ceasefire, exchange prisoners and open humanitarian corridors in the port city of Al Hudaydah.

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