SCNS chief leaves for Tashkent to attend meeting of CIS heads of security agencies and special services

SCNS chief leaves for Tashkent to attend meeting of CIS heads of security agencies and special services
Head of Tajikistan’s State Committee for National Security (SCNS), Saymumin Yatimov, has left for the Uzbek capital of Tashkent for participation in the 47th session of the CIS Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services.
Citing the press service of the Federal Security Service (FSB), Russian media reports say the session will focus on issues related to countering international terrorism and transnational organized crime. 
The meeting participants reportedly intend to work out additional measures to counter attempts of recruitment of militants and prevent penetration of terrorists into the CIS member nations.
They also intend to work out methods of struggle against fomentation of religious and national enmity.  
Meanwhile, an official source within the Tajik government says it cannot be ruled out that while in Tashkent, Yatimov will hold bilateral meeting with senior representt6ives of the Service for National Security of Uzbekistan to discuss joint measures to combat terrorism and address threats emanating from Afghanistan.    

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