Taliban claims responsibility for deadly blast near presidential rally

Taliban claims responsibility for deadly blast near presidential rally
The group also claimed responsibility for the explosion near the US embassy in the war-torn country

The Taliban insurgents have claimed responsibility for the two blasts that rocked the war-torn Afghanistan on Tuesday, including the attack on President Ghani's rally in the province of Parwan.

In his statement for the media, the group's spokesperson said the blast at the rally, which claimed at least 24 lives and left 32 more wounded, was specifically aimed at disrupting the upcoming presidential elections, scheduled for September 28.

"We already warned people not to attend election rallies, if they suffer any losses that is their own responsibility," the statement said.

Another blast rocked the central Kabul in the vicinity of the US embassy. It was not immediately clear whether it caused any casualties, but some early reports suggested at least three people were killed.

The terrorist group warned of more violence in the run-up to the presidential elections, which it strongly opposes.

Earlier, the peace talks between the insurgent group and the US collapsed as President Trump announced he was cancelling a secret peace summit with Taliban and Afghan leaders.

He explained this decision by pointing at a previous Taliban attack that killed one US serviceman.

As the US and the Taliban exchanged barbs in the wake of the breakdown, with reports that the US military was stepping up the onslaught on the Afghan insurgents, the group went for a surprise move and sent a delegation to Moscow.

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