Joint Statement of the Tajik and Kyrgyz State Commission on Border Delimitation and Demarcation

Joint Statement of the Tajik and Kyrgyz State Commission on Border Delimitation and Demarcation
A working meeting of the Tajik and Kyrgyz State Commission on border delimitation and demarcation was held today at the section of the state border (border point No. 12/9, section Karamyk). The parties declare that the difficult situation in the border specified section was resolved peacefully.
The parties signed a protocol on the following:
• Retract border posts 3 kilometers inland on each side.
• To withdraw troops, military equipment to their places of permanent deployment, to leave only regular border patrols.
• A decision was made on the use of pastures in this area.
• Any actions on the state border must be preliminary agreed with the Co-Chairs of the Parties.
• The border patrols of the Parties follow the line of conduct.
• In the media, transmit only information agreed by both Parties, in accordance with the decisions made in the previously signed protocols.
• The heads of the topographic working groups were instructed to complete the description of the section of the Tajik and Kyrgyz border from PT No. 12/2 through PT No. 12/9 as soon as possible.
• The parties carry out explanatory work with the population of border villages.
• The parties agreed to strictly adhere to the clauses of this protocol.

Head of the Tajik State Commission                                        Head of the Kyrgyz State Commission
on border delimitation and demarcation                                     on border delimitation and demarcation
Yatimov S.S.                                                                             Tashiev K.K.

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