Why do we sweat at night when we sleep?

Why do we sweat at night when we sleep?
There are 2 to 5 million sweat glands in the skin of an adult. They produce fluid in which salts, proteins, cholesterol, amino acids and nitrogenous substances are dissolved. In a day at room temperature, a person excretes 400-600 ml of sweat, which is needed to moisten the skin and cool the body.

The autonomic nervous system and its biologically active substances, the mediators acetylcholine, pilocarpine, and adrenal hormones, regulate the sweat glands. Therefore, a person cannot sweat more or less if he just wants to.

At night and during sleep, all processes in the body slow down, including the secretion of sweat. But this does not happen if a person sleeps in a hot room or ate spicy food for dinner. Usually such sweating goes away on its own, and the help of a doctor is not necessary.

But sometimes excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, in sleep is associated with causes that require special examination and treatment.

1. Climax

In women after 45-50 years of age, ovarian function decreases and they produce less estrogen. The pituitary gland tries to stimulate the sex glands and increases the release of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.

The latter can rapidly increase body temperature and is more actively synthesized in the evening. Therefore, the woman feels a rush of heat and begins to sweat profusely.

What to do?

When signs of menopause appear, see a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe hormone replacement therapy with estrogens. They will not stop the onset of menopause, but will reduce unpleasant symptoms.

2. Bad habits

Cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, which mimics the mediator acetylcholine and stimulates the sweat glands. In people who have long and active smokers, this effect may appear at night.

When alcohol is abused, another mechanism associated with hangover syndrome is activated, which is observed a few hours after drinking alcohol. A person has impaired thermoregulation, hormone production, including those that affect the function of sweat glands. Therefore, poor sleep is accompanied by increased sweating.

3. Endocrine diseases

Diseases of the endocrine organs changes the work of the sweat glands. Therefore develops hyperhidrosis. Most often it is observed in the following pathologies:

diabetes mellitus;

What to do?

To treat increased sweating, see a general practitioner. He will prescribe a hormone test. If the figures differ from the norm, you will be sent to an endocrinologist to find an appropriate treatment.

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