Russia May Help Brazil Develop Atomic Facilities - Ambassador to Moscow

Russia May Help Brazil Develop Atomic Facilities - Ambassador to Moscow
 Russia is one of the few countries that can assist Brazil in developing atomic facilities for peaceful use of atomic energy, Brazilian Ambassador to Moscow Tovar da Silva Nunes said.
"We know that Russia is among the few countries that can offer Brazil technologies, cooperation and investment in the atomic industry. We will explore this opportunity as part of the Brazilian plan to expand the industry’s energy production facilities for peaceful use," da Silva Nunes said.
The agreement on cooperation between the two countries in the field of atomic energy was signed in 1994. In 2017, Russia’s state atomic energy company Rosatom signed a memorandum of understanding with Brazilian companies Eletrobras and Eletronuclear on the development of cooperation.
The Brazilian ambassador also said that the two countries were maintaining an important dialogue on agricultural cooperation noting Russia's success in diminishing the dependence on agricultural imports.
According to the diplomat, Brazil during its current chairmanship of BRICS will do everything to strengthen the position of the association. He recalled that the next BRICS summit will take place in Brazil on November 12-14.

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