Trade Talks Between US and China Have Stalled – Reports

Trade Talks Between US and China Have Stalled – Reports
Negotiations between the US and China appear to have stalled as both sides dig in after disagreements earlier this month.
Scheduling for the next round of negotiations is “in flux” as both sides are struggling to find common ground for negotiations, sources briefed on the status of the talks told CNBC. China reportedly is not willing to revisit past promises on which it reneged earlier this month, even though they attended the latest round of talks in Washington last week.
Both sides have been strengthening their positions this week. China propped up its currency and cut US pork orders and the Trump administration put Chinese telecommunications company Huawei and its affiliates on a business blacklist and banned it from the supply chain.READ MORE: China Lashes Out at US Over Blacklisting Huawei Amid Spiralling Trade Spat
Earlier China invited the US delegation to Beijing and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin even appeared open to accepting the offer. However, sources said scheduling discussions have not taken place since the Trump administration declared a national emergency over threats against US technology and signed the order banning the use of telecom equipment made by firms deemed to pose a "national security risk." Soon after this, the US Commerce Department announced that it had reasons to believe that “Huawei is engaged in activities” that go against American national security, blacklisting the company.

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