Japan’s government supports enhancement of health sector in GBAO’s Rushan district

Japan’s government supports enhancement of health sector in GBAO’s Rushan district
On Thursday August 26, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Tajikistan Takayuki Miyashita together with Gulmast Dustalizoda, First Deputy Chairperson of Rushan District, and Kishwar Abdulalishoyev, Head of the Aga Khan Foundation Tajikistan (AKF Tajikistan), took part in a handover ceremony to commemorate the successful completion of “The Project for Construction of Health Care Center in Baju Village, Pastkhuf Jamoat, Rushan District”.
According to Japan’s Embassy in Dushanbe, this project was implemented by the Government of Japan under the scheme of the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP).  The grant of USD 45,053 was provided to AKF Tajikistan for construction of a new building of the Health Care Center.
Because of the earthquake in 2015 the medical point in Baju village was totally collapsed and after that there was no medical institution in the village.  With the implementation of the project, the new Health Care Center can provide modern medical services to the population of Baju village.
During the ceremony, Ambassador Miyashita made the following remarks, “It is my great pleasure to congratulate the completion of this only one Health Center in the village, together with you all.  There was a Health Center in the past but it was destroyed by earthquake in 2015.  I understand that after the disaster the residents were suffered from difficult time without medical services.  However from now on, every resident will have the opportunity to get proper medical services.  I hope this center will be maintained well and be used for many years, which contributes to a long, healthy and happy life of the people.” 
The Government of Japan is dedicated to continuing its support for creating a better society for all people and committed to working together with the people of Tajikistan.
Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) is a scheme within Japan’s Official Development Assistance.  GGP in particular implements grassroots-level projects in various sectors throughout the Republic of Tajikistan.  Recipients of GGP grants include local governments, educational and medical institutions, and NGOs.  As of today, GGP has supported 424 projects in Tajikistan, for which US$34.3 million has been allocated since 1996.

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