GBAO governor hospitalized on suspicion of contracting COVID-19 infection
Governor of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) Yodgor Faizov and his wife have been hospitalized on suspicion of contracting COVID-19 infection.
“They have been hospitalized at the Aga Khan Medical Center, Khorog (AKMC,K),” Gholib Niyatbekov, a spokesman for the GBAO government, told Asia-Plus in an interview.
According to him, they have been tested for COVID-19 and the tests have been sent to the laboratory in Dushanbe.
“The test results have not yet come. Physicians assess their health condition as stable. Yodgor Faizov and his spouse are undergoing antiviral treatment,” said Niyatbekov. “Faizov’s wife may be discharged from the clinic and will be treated at home under the supervision of doctors.”
The spokesman further added that Yodgor Faizov continued to communicate with employees of the GBAO government by phone to discuss all issues.
Based on the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)’s experience with strengthening the health system in different regions of Tajikistan, Aga Khan Health Service, Tajikistan (AKHS,T) has established the Aga Khan Medical Center, Khorog (AKMC,K) as a private, not-for-profit hospital offering high quality health care to the community.
AKMC,K began operations in December 2018 through the provision of outpatient care, diagnostics and physiotherapy services. In April 2019, the hospital expanded its offerings to include inpatient, as well as emergency management services.
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