EBRD approves new strategy for Tajikistan

EBRD approves new strategy for Tajikistan
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Board of Directors has approved a new country strategy for Tajikistan. The program sets out the Bank’s priorities in the country for the period 2020-25 and addresses issues such as a volatile macroeconomic environment, a challenging business climate and vulnerability to climate change factors, according to EBRD’s Resident Office in Dushanbe.
In the strategy period, the EBRD will aim to improve Tajikistan’s infrastructure, its regional connectivity and employment opportunities in the country. Tajikistan has one of the youngest populations of all the economies in which the Bank invests.
The EBRD’s operational and strategic priorities in Tajikistan will be based on the following three pillars: 1) strengthening the competitiveness of businesses and improving the business environment; 2) fostering regional integration, energy reform and infrastructure connectivity; and 3) supporting wider access to better infrastructure and business services for women, young people and underdeveloped regions.
Regional cooperation is reportedly key to Tajikistan’s sustainable economic development, for the expansion of trade and for its energy security.  Positive economic developments, including better interstate relations and connectivity, will allow the EBRD to support necessary reforms and facilitate the country’s transition to one based on private-sector growth.
The EBRD will be aiming to increase the size and scope of its operations.  It will continue financing infrastructure and energy sector projects, as well as providing support for private sector companies.
To date, the EBRD has invested €839 million through 135 projects in various sectors of Tajikistan’s economy

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