Ensuring a decent life for the population remains the main goal for the next year, say the president

Ensuring a decent life for the population remains the main goal for the next year, say the president
President Emomali Rahmon has made his annual address to the nation.  In a statement delivered at a joint meeting of both chambers of the parliament, the head of state noted that today that ensuring a decent life for the population remains the main goal of his team for the next year.
Rahmon noted that his election program that was adopted in the fall of 2013 had been fulfilled (presidential elections were held in Tajikistan on November 6, 2013 and Emomali Rahmon was reelected with a reported 84% of the vote on a turnout of 86.6%).
“In the outgoing year, Tajikistan’s gross domestic product (GDP) real growth rate has been 7.5 percent and the government of the country should ensure its growth for the next year at the rate of 7.8 percent.” The head of state noted. 
According to him, Tajikistan’s population has exceeded 9.5 million and average life expectancy has reached 75 years. 
The head of state noted that about 30 types of tax deductions had been provided to industrialists, agrarians and entrepreneurs.  Due to this, the national budget has received more than 15 billion somoni less over the past two years.  
At the same time, Rahmon stressed that inspections of economic entities’ activities had decreased six times over the same two-year period. 
“In 2013-2019, the government alone implemented 80 investment projects totaling 13.2 billion somoni.  In 2020, the government intends to implement 23 new investment projects in the total amount of 3.8 billion somoni,” the president said.   
Heads of all provinces, cities and districts as well as ministries and agencies attended the meeting.   
All Tajik national television and radio channels broadcast the president’s annual address.  Students of higher educational institutions as well as senior students of high schools gather in their institutions’ auditoriums to watch president’s annual address.  

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