Harmful air pollution from Dushanbe-based enterprises reportedly increases four times

Harmful air pollution from Dushanbe-based enterprises reportedly increases four times
Over the past four years, harmful air pollution from the Dushanbe-based enterprises has increased four times, according to the Agency for Statistics under the President of Tajikistan.  
In 2018 alone, the Dushanbe-based stationary sources emitted 16,200 tons of harmful substances into the atmosphere, 11,900 tons more than in 2014.
Recall, a coal-powered Dushanbe-2 combined heat and power (CHP) plant was introduced into operation by stage during the period from 2014 to 2017.  
Meanwhile, the mobile sources are the main air pollutants in the city.  In 2018, they emitted more than 87,000 tons of harmful substances into the atmosphere, which is almost two times more than compared to 2017.  
The number of vehicles is increasing from year to year in the Tajik capital, and to-date, there are more than 120,000 vehicles in Dushanbe.      

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