Russian prosecutor asks for life sentence for mastermind of 2017 St Petersburg subway bombing

Russian prosecutor asks for life sentence for mastermind of 2017 St Petersburg subway bombing
A prosecutor in the trial of 11 suspects in a deadly 2017 subway bomb blast in Russia's second-largest city asked the court to sentence mastermind of 2017 St Petersburg subway bombing Abror Azimov and his brother Akram Azimov to life prison. 
RBC says she also asked the court to impose a 1 million Russian rubles fine on Abror Azimov.
According to RIA Novosti, the prosecutor also asked the court to sentence Mahmadyusup Ermatov and Ibrahim Ermatov to life prison.  
Besides, the prosecutor asked the court to recognize all of the 11 defendants guilty. 
The trial of the 11 suspects in a deadly 2017 subway bomb blast in St. Petersburg began in a St. Petersburg military courtroom on April 2, 2019.  
A 22-year-old suicide bomber Akbarzhon Jalilov, an ethnic-Uzbek Russian citizen born in Kyrgyzstan, reportedly brought two explosive devices to the St. Petersburg subway on April 3, 2017.
He left one bomb on the platform of a subway station, but it was found and safely defused.  Then, according to the investigators, Jalilov detonated the second bomb in a subway carriage between two stations.
As a result of the explosion, 15 people were killed (seven during the attack, eight later from their injuries) and 67 others injured.  Thirty-nine people were hospitalized.  Children were among those injured.
Russia media reports identified a Kyrgyz citizen Abror Azimov as the suspected mastermind of the attack and listed 10 others as alleged accomplices.
They are charged with being members of a terrorist group, supporting terrorist activity, and illegal production and sale of explosive devices.

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