Recent attack on frontier post in Roudaki district discussed at the Security Council meeting

Recent attack on frontier post in Roudaki district discussed at the Security Council meeting
A meeting of the Security Council, presided over by President Emomali Rahmon, took place in Dushanbe on November 14. 
A recent attack on the “Ishqobod” frontier post in the Roudaki district, some 60 kilometers southwest of Dushanbe, was discussed at the meeting, according to the Tajik president’s official website.  
Prosecutor-General, Interior Minister and Chief of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) reported on this issue.  
The meeting participants also discussed issues related to strengthening border control and implementing the law on amnesty. 
Head of the Main Penitentiary Directorate at the Ministry of Justice, Mansourjon Umarov, reported on implementation of the amnesty law.
According to him, more than 10,000 people have been amnestied so far, including more than 6,000 inmates released from penitentiary institutions.     

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