Anti-Russian hysteria does not help ensure stability in the Caucasus — foreign ministry

Anti-Russian hysteria does not help ensure stability in the Caucasus — foreign ministry
Georgia and Western counties did not learn their lessons from the August 2008 events in the Caucasus, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement released on Thursday on the occassion of the 11th anniversary of the Georgian conflict with South Ossetia.
"It is regrettable that neither Georgia nor the West learned their lessons from the tragic events of 2008. Instead of making efforts aimed at overcoming the burden of the past and facilitating the establishment of good neighborly relations between Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, official Tbilisi and its Western supporters are still fanning anti-Russian hysteria, saturating the region with weapons and unceremoniously pulling Georgia into NATO. All of this represents a dead-end that does not help establish peace, stability and security in the region," the foreign ministry said.
The ministry noted that Russia makes all possible efforts aimed at establishing dialogue and full-fledged negotiations process between Georgia on the one side and Abkhazia and South Ossetia on the other. "We always stressed that the first step in this process should be an agreement on mutual non-use of force. We once again call on the Georgian side and our Western partners to recognize the newly established geopolitical realities in the region," the ministry added.
The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that Moscow is actively cooperating with Abkhazia and South Ossetia and providing financial aid, including in the framework of investment programs aimed at facilitating social-economic development. "Russia's policy is absolutely transparent and aimed at developing mutually beneficial ties with partners, at strengthening trust and mutual understanding," the foreign ministry concluded.

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